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Black Truths

The Interviewer ????
What do you enjoy about working for the Bus Department?
Ryōshū 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂
I do not.
Great. An interview from a pig who does not understand that asking an artist such stupid questions will grant you answers you don't wish to hear.
The Interviewer ????
You don't enjoy it?
Ryōshū 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂
Not in the way you'd like.
I am not someone who will tell you directly what I feel. Such cases were evident when this contract came to be.
The Interviewer ????
...May I ask why?
Ryōshū 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂
"Fuck off." I tell him. Of course, he does not understand.
The Interviewer ????
Sorry? I don't quite understand what that means.
Ryōshū 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂
None of your business. L.M.A. or I'll snap you like a twig.
There is nothing for me to tell you that will be useful in a way that matters. Whether I enjoy it here or loathe the existence of every other sinner, why should it be something to be concerned about?
Long do I yearn for true art. This was not the place for it. Therefore, nothing should stand in the way of my duty. Not the deal, not the rest of us pawns, and not that ticking clockhead.
...Was that what you wanted to hear? Hmph.